
How neck (Cervical Spine) affects our body.

“Loss of cervical lordosis reduces lung capacity by up to 30%” Korr 1975 Bernini Wiesal and Rothman 1982 Davis 1996 “Loss of cervical Lordosis causes a weak Immune system, organ disease, muscle tension and increased sensitivity to pain.” Korr 1979 “A deviation in the spinal lordotic and kyphotic curves increases mortality, resulting in 14 years off your life.” Journal…

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DJD inc. disability

Posture increases disability 393% “Posture affects and moderates every physiological function, from breathing to nervous system function, and despite the considerable evidence that posture affects physiology and function, the significant influence of posture on health is not addressed by most physicians.” –American Journal of Pain Management Posture influences everything. Posture directly impacts health and influences every aspect of human…

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Children Found to Have Spinal Degeneration

Both Children and adults are both found to have spine and nervous system stress and degeneration. Children need the benefits of Chiropractic care as much as their parents. Chiropractors specialize in helping children and adults of all ages maximize their health by making sure the spine is functioning appropriately. Health improves through gentle adjustments proven to improve the function…

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It is Time to Change the World!! (Korean)

제가 밖에 나가 척추 검진을 할 때 종종 듣는 이야기가 있습니다. “저는 척추 검사를 한적이 없지만 척추 검사의 필요성을 못 느낍니다. 현재 아픈 곳이 없고 또 아파도 쉬다보면 좋아지기 때문이지요.” 혹은 “이렇게 퇴행성 관절염이 척추엑스레이에 드러나 있는데도 왜 그동안 통증을 못 느낀거죠?”. 자주 듣는 이야기지만 들을 수록 “아..내가 그동안 정확한 정보를 알리지 못 했구나.” 라고 생각 합니다. 현재 우리는…

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It is Time to Change the World!!

It’s time to throw open the curtains on today’s sunrise and embrace all that God has in store for you! Today is a new day full of potential that has never happened before and will never happen again. Often times, when I go out and reach out to our community, people say “I had never checked my spine but I do not need it because…

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Dear ADIO Corrective Chiropractic Patients

As you know, we had an awesome seminar last weekend learning how the single adjustment to the subluxated spine can change or save people’s life. Everyone knows that I am very excited since the meeting with the world leading chiropractic educator Dr. Dan Murphy and now I am even more excited from the meeting with Roberto Monaco, speaker/educator at…

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