I started to go to ADIO Chiropractic since the mid of December, 2015. I have only been in ADIO Chiropractic for 6 weeks yet I already started to see difference in my whole physiological system. Credential to my profession is a social work, and I have dealt with many stresses from seeing clients and meeting deadlines to make sure clients were well taken care of. Since I was always in tense and had only little time to take care of myself, I had big issue with headaches and fatigues. My right shoulder was always in tense, and I had to take at least 2 Advil pills a day to function. I also had problem with my lower back due to my hobbies: snowboarding, hiking, running, and rock climbing. I experienced many incidents and injuries with my lower back such as falling or hit by outer objects. Due to injuries and incidents, my lower back, especially tail bone area, was suffering from pain even if I was sitting down or walking.
After suffering for many years, I was introduced to ADIO Chiropractic and started to see Dr. Park, Cheonil, and I was diagnosed with Phase II which required for me to see him for minimum of one year. Rather than telling me that I have many problems with my spine, Dr. Park pointed out positive things that would happen to me and actually encouraged me. I was nervous at first, yet his nutritious encouragements helped me to think positively and motivated me.
When I started treatment, my whole body was hurting, especially every joints in neck at lower back, but after a whole month, just like a magic, I started to feel better and my headaches due to stresses and fatigues suddenly disappeared. I was able to focus more and be effective to help my clients at work and be more functional during my leisure time rather than suffering from my chronic back and headaches. Just like ADIO (Above Down Inside Out), after all negative things started to turn out positives from above down and inside to outside, my life started to change to have healthier life style.