Suni Shin

저는 ADIO 병원에 오기전 허리 통증 때문에 여러 병원을 다니며 치료를 받았어요. 스테로이드 주사를 5번 맞았지만 전혀 좋아지지 않았고 5번째 맞은 후에는 쇼크도 왔어요. 통증병원에 갔더니 의사는 MRI 를 찍고 정확한 자리에 주사를 놓자고 했지만 그래도 효과가 없었어요 . 그 외에도 통증 병원에서 마사지와 전기 치료도 해보고 침도 많이 맞아보고 이것 저것 의료기도 사용해 보았지만 진전이 없어 포기 상태였어요….

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Rachel Oh

I struggled with depression, anxiety disorder, digestive problem, and insomnia. I have been taking medications for these issues. Through the treatment, I started to eat and sleep well as my spinal and neck problems got better. Dr. Park and the staffs are gentle and peaceful which makes them more trustworthy on their skills and services. Dr. Park is a…

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Mira Lee

전 별명이 걸어다니는 종합병원일 정도로 허리 디스크.. 척추측만증..뒤틀어지고 왼쪽으로 내려 앉은 몸의 균형..한쪽으로 휘어진 목뼈로 인해 20년 가까이 온 몸의 통증으로 너무 많이 힘들고 아팠어요. 통증병원을 다녀봤지만 그때뿐이었고 항상 어깨통증과 허리 통증..다리 저림으로 매일이 통증과의 싸움이었어요. ADIO병원에서 치료받은지 이제 3개월이 되었네요. 남편과 딸이랑 아들도 비슷한 증상으로 함께 치료를 받고 있구요. 네가족 모두 몸이 아주 좋아지고 있답니다. 3개월이 지난 지금 매일…

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Y. Cho

I started to go to ADIO Chiropractic since the mid of December, 2015. I have only been in ADIO Chiropractic for 6 weeks yet I already started to see difference in my whole physiological system. Credential to my profession is a social work, and I have dealt with many stresses from seeing clients and meeting deadlines to make sure…

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Jason Han

I have been with my low back pain for couple years. I was not able to run more than 10 minutes, and nothing seemed to be working out to relieve the pain and numbness that I was experiencing. I thought of myself lying on a table for a lumbar herniated disc surgery in the near future. However, after meeting…

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Video Testimonials

  Please watch the video below to hear what some of our patients are saying about their experience with ADIO Corrective Chiropractic.    

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My cervical spine was reversed which caused pain in the neck and liver function issue. Post correction of my cervical spine, my neck pain is reduced and my liver function is now normal. Thank you, Dr. Park!

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I had MS for 14 years. I was on and off medication for 14 years which can cause cancer, stomach disorder, and liver disorder. I had to constantly check for side effects, but since I am coming to see Dr. Park, I have not taken any medications for MS.

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I was on a wheelchair when I first came in… I can do things I could not do before.

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